
Gertstock, here we come!

The morning I've been waiting for during the past several months is now here: We're leaving for Gertstock! What, you may ask, is that? It's our annual family reunion on my dad's side. It used to be a b'day party for my grandfather, but he passed away in July 2006, and one of my uncles renamed it to celebrate my grandmother, Gertrude.

While we miss Pop-pop incredibly much, it is only fitting to celebrate a woman who birthed and raised 12 children with him. Here are their names in order from oldest to youngest, which I learned from my aunt Kris when I was in middle school: Brian (my dad), Kevin, Patricia, Mary, Paul, David, Mark, Kathy, Beth, Maureen, Darren, Kris. Say that 10 times fast. :)

I love being from a big family, and it's neat seeing my dad's siblings interact at this get-together ever year, which in some cases is the only time certain members of the family see each other. There is such camaraderie that I can only imagine what fun they all had as kids, that is, when they weren't fighting like siblings so often do.

Also in celebration of family, I've made myself a promise this very morning: I am going to call my dr (maybe even from my cell phone while we're on the road this morning) and make an appt to talk to her about my recurring anxiety attacks. I can't help but think that they have a hormonal basis since they came surging into my life right at the time I weaned Henry. I have a feeling my hormones are all out of whack and might need some gentle nudging to get them to behave. Whatever the cause(s), physical or emotional--not that a working mom has any stress, oh no--it's time to work them out so I can be the best wife and mommy I can be. Family, yeah, that's the core of it all. In the midst of the worst days I can look at the two boys Ken and I somehow brought into this world and feel like there is a center to my chaotic universe.

Well, I have some packing to finish, and I should take advantage of the fact that everyone else is still asleep. Henry's been sleeping through the night more and more lately, but he usually wakes up screaming in hunger around 5am and so far he's still snoozing soundly. I've even already had a chance to shower and shave my legs! What luxury!

Have a great weekend, and blogging should resume Tuesday-ish once we're back.

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