
He kissed me!

The greatest joy of my life is that Ken and I have two little boys. They are not always in a good mood (and neither am I), but they bring me joy on a daily basis. Today's best moment was when Henry kissed me for the first time. I feel silly, but I'm welling up with tears just thinking about it. It was one of those amazing but awkward kisses from a baby who keeps his mouth wide open and just plants it firmly into the side of your face. Or nose. Whatever happens to be in the way. I've had a few rough days lately, but that little moment really brightened this one for me. I couldn't get him to repeat it, but I know it's only a matter of time. Just like him deciding to walk on his own. Just a matter of time.

Meanwhile, his big brother continues to grow at such a fast pace, both physically and in maturity, that it astounds me to think he was once a tiny baby in my arms. If I try to pick him up now, that nasty shoulder injury acts up, and that is such a shame. I am not old enough to be falling apart at the seams and unable to carry my children. But even if I can't carry Padraic, I can still hold him, and I try to get in as much snuggle time as I can. Because at what age is it that boys stop wanting to snuggle with their moms (or dads) and start to be macho and independent? Please, please say it's a long time from now. I'll be proud to see them grow into young men, but my heart will ache when they stop showing the affection they do now both spontaneously and when encouraged.

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