
Random thoughts

Ever want to feel really, really wanted and needed? Register as an Independent. You'll get more phone calls and knocks on your door during an election season than you'll know what to do with.

Henry still isn't interested in walking on his own. He'll cruise around like a little devil, but he will not let go and take that first step. He's now surpassed his big brother in terms of being a holdout. Who wants to place bets on whether he'll walk on his own before 15 months (October 11)?

After feeling like hell for 48hrs, I got an amazing night's sleep last night, and even though I'm tired today, I can't complain. It often takes feeling like crap for me to realize how good I actually feel on a regular old day.

My annual review at work is approaching, and (gasp) I haven't met all of my goals. That will be a first, and I'm not liking it. Nothing I can do about it except try harder next year. And try to learn some mental telepathy powers so I can force authors to do my bidding. LOL.

I like wearing cozy sweatshirts and comfy warm pjs when fall first comes, but the charm is going to wear off in about two weeks. Then I'll want the nice hot summer back. Winter can go bleep itself. I am not a fan of cold weather and the white stuff. And trying to buckle kids into car seats while your (inclined) driveway is a patch of ice? Talk about fodder for America's Funniest Home Videos. Good thing we leave for work before many people in the neighborhood are even awake.

In my next life I want to be a beagle that's spoiled as badly as we have spoiled our beagles. Especially the part about getting to sleep 25hrs per day. That part must really rock.

Is it evil to use the earlier sunset as an excuse to get the kids into bed at, say, 6pm? ;)


Anonymous said...

I am henrysmom as well...LOL

I keep getting your blog on my google alert.

My Henry started walking at 14 months. I'm sure your Henry will be walking on his own any day now.

How old is Paddy?

paddy+henrysmom said...

Paddy (Padraic) is going to be 4yo in January. And he didn't walk until 14-15 months, either, so at least his little brother isn't trying to outdo him! LOL.