
Silly things

By now you've realized, I hope, that you won't find lofty, inspired ideas in my blog. Sorry to disappoint you, but I think I fried my brain in grad school--not with drugs but with overanalyzing every damn thing in the world--and now I'm just puttering along with my pedestrian thoughts. And I'm fine with that.

--I just watched two of NKOTB's live reunion performances on YouTube (I swear I didn't go seeking this stuff. I was led there by a tantalizing headline that in the dumbed-down state I currently live in I couldn't resist), and holy crow, Jordan Knight is still hot. They didn't sound that great, to be honest, but boy, watching them brought me back to my tweenhood. I wasn't a raging fan back in the day, but I did know their music and I went to a concert at Hagerstown (MD) Fairgrounds with my friend Tiffany when NKOTB was opening for, um, Tiffany. We had 2nd row seats and caught a sweaty towel that Jordan threw. Oh, be still my beating heart. I think I finally threw it out in the early 90s, though I can't recall exactly what did happen to it.

--With the winter approaching, something I dread every year since if you didn't already know I hate winter, Ken is spending the day with our neighbor Todd and friend Mike, splitting firewood on Mike's inlaws' property. They just want these downed trees gone so the cost of this expedition is about $25, whiich is Ken's share of the rental of the logsplitter for the day. Not too shabby given that he should come home with 1/2-3/4 a cord of wood. The only thing I like abot winter is being able to use our fireplace so that gives me something to look forward to.

--Later this morning our good friend and fellow working mommy, Tori, is swinging by, and we are headed off to the St. Tim's consignment sale to shop for bargains in fall/winter clothing for our boys. I first went to this sale on a whim last fall, expecting to find banged-up clothing that Padraic could use at day care or to play outside on messy days. But to my surprise, a lot of the stuff people sell there is like-new, and the prices are irresistible. Especially since Saturday is half-price day. Wheeeeee! And this time around I've become a consignor and brought the boys' 6-12mo clothes to move along since Henry is solidly in 12-18mo now, and we are done, done, done with the baby makin'.

Those are my enlightened topics for the day, my friends. Really, that's all I've got. Tune in later to watch paint dry!

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