
Too much togetherness

You all know I love my boys dearly, right? OK, please remember that while you read this post.

We're at the end of the 3-day Labor Day weekend, and I am at my wits' end with parenting. Except for yesterday afternoon for roughly 4hrs, we have been at home the whole damn weekend, and it has made me batty. Henry is cranky from teething and has the constant poops from it, too (hence the staying close to home so much), and Padraic exhaustively says sentences that start with, "Mommy...." I will soon lose my mind.

Ken gets out of most of the fun because (a) neighbors are always calling him to help w/something, and he can slip out the door to go do whatever they need help with and (b) the boys do not ask for him like they demand my attention constantly.

Henry is settling in for bed now, and Ken has Padraic next-door at the crabfest I should also be attending but can't bc just on the off chance that Henry's poops are from germs, not teething, I can't have him near the hosting neighbors' 2-month-old son. This sucks. Last night Ken got to go to the first round of this get-together, too, while I sat home with the sleeping boys. It got so rowdy next-door that they kept waking me up, that is, until roughly 1am when Ken finally came home and things went quiet over there. Must've been a good time, though I'll never know.

Is it wrong to be so looking forward to dropping the boys at day care tomorrow and going to work? The entire rest of my 4-person department is on vacation so I will be blissfully alone for 8 whole hours. It just may give me time to store up some energy for tomorrow night, when Ken will once again be hanging out with the neighbors, this time for his Fantasy Football pool. Must be nice.


TallGirlsAdventures said...

It is absolutely not wrong to want to go back to work! Especially if no other people will be in the office...that sounds heavenly. I think parenting little ones is way harder than working -- they have like a 2-minute attention span, and you have to keep them constantly busy! -- and you've got twice the kid-load as me. Frankly, I don't know how you do it.

I was working at home with H alllll last week, then through the long weekend (to be fair, Hubby did toe the line on Saturday), and today is a work-at-home day...then tomorrow I will blissfully kiss him goodbye in the preschool gym. Inevitably, he will sob and I will feel horrible...for about 3 minutes, until I get into my quiet car and drive to my quiet office. Where I get to sit in a 10x10 cube all by myself and think of nothing but words for 8 hours. Oh, and I'll be able to go to the bathroom BY MYSELF. It will be wonderful. ;)

Anonymous said...

Does K read your blog? He might get the hint that you need a little down time yourself.