
Should I be this tired?

Hey, working mommies, are you really, really tired? I mean, so tired your eyes cross during the workday? Sometimes before lunch? I have been having a lot of "Stop the world; I want to get off!" moments lately.

Having just gotten back from a work trip, I have the issue that the house is in a shambles. For those of you who've seen my house, I mean a worse shambles than usual. Yeah, that bad.

Tonight when I got home from work I had to run right out to get some stuff Ken and I need for the afternoon wedding we're going to tomorrow. Then I had to run next-door to the neighbors' house where Ken was playing horseshoes so I could take over watching my own children and serve them dinner while he played.

Then I brought Henry home and got him ready for bed while also trying to get the laundry and other accumulated detritis of our lives off the guest bed since my father-in-law will need to sleep there tomorrow night while we're at the wedding and he is on babysitting duty.

Then I cleaned the bathroom, which I don't think Ken had done in a few weeks. I mean, a touchup here and there is fine for awhile, but it's not a permanent cleaning solution, kwim?

Now I need to get Padraic ready for bed, and Ken is not back yet to help out with anything. I have a feeling the guys are watching the Rays/Sox game on the neighbors' huge-mongous plasma TV. Lucky him. I could use a hand but will look like a witch if I call over there and ask him to come home.

Did I mention I have bronchitis and a splitting headache? I really just want to crawl in bed and come out in, maybe, April. That sounds about long enough.

I have a freelance project sitting in front of me, too, but I don't have the energy to read it right now. Maybe I'll get a second wind after Padraic is in bed, who knows?

Tomorrow I am working from home until lunchtime, and then Henry and I have to do the grocery shopping and pick up Padraic at day care before 2pm, which is when Pop-pop gets here for the babysitting gig. Ken will roll in around 3pm, and once he's thrown on his tie and jacket, we will need to scoot up to the wedding, which starts at 4pm. The reception runs 7pm to midnight (God help me) so it's gonna be a late night.

Saturday morning we need to get up and eat breakfast and then get ready for the 1.5hr trek up to Ken's Great Uncle Harry's 80th b'day party. We'll go, eat lunch, and then need to scoot back home so I can get to this freelance project. It needs to be put in the mail back to the client first thing Wednesday morning.

Sunday Ken will spend all day helping a friend with a fairly sizeable home repair project. I'll need to fit some freelance project work in around naptimes and mealtimes. Padraic doesn't always nap anymore, but I can probably get him to play in his room for a while during Henry's big midday nap. Knowing how these home projects go, the 6hrs Ken has allotted for getting it done is more likely going to be 8-12hrs. Once he gets home, it's probably going to be time to get ready for the imminent Monday morning.

It's weeks like this that make me want to plan social events absolutely never. But what fun would that be? Maybe Padraic can help get me ready for bed, instead of vice versa, and then he can stay up playing on the computer. I can hardly keep my eyes Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... .........................................................................................

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