
Here's the positive post

OK, I probably should balance out that vitriolic post from the other day. Life is not all doom and gloom (though there's a ton of stress that has me creaking like a weathered board about to snap) and here are some examples of the things in my life that make it worthwhile to tough out the hard times:

--When I was sick over the weekend, Padraic would sit next to me on the couch, rub my back and say, "Mommy, I rub your back. Now you feel better?" How selfless and adorable.

--When Henry smiles (as opposed to screams bloody murder), his smile is about the width of our whole house. Add in the blond hair, and he really is my little sunshine.

--Ken can always make me laugh, especially at the most unexpected times. On the way home in the car today, Henry pulled off his shoes like always and started working on his socks. At a red light, I turned to look in the back seat and reported, "Henry's got one bare foot," at which point Ken went "Roar!" without a second's hesitation.

--From 4hrs away, my parents remain a constant source of support, including being willing to come out here and help with the boys (or take one home with them) even though it would mean total upheaval to their normal schedules.

--I've got friends all over the US who each have amazing stories to tell and unique hopes and dreams. We don't agree on everything, but it really doesn't matter.

--I am going to be an aunt any day now! My SIL will be 37wks pregnant at the end of this week, and while little Peep has been knocking on the door to get out since 31wks, she's off bedrest and it's safe from now on for him or her to come out and meet us. I can't wait!

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