
Back to reality

Whew, OK, while I don't really like having to travel for work, what I dislike even more is the first 48hrs after arriving back home. Not bc I don't want to see my adoring husband and sweet little boys, but because the house that is usually a wreck is supremely wrecktastic, the laundry is waaaaay behind, and things in the fridge are so out of control that there isn't yet a scientific name for the kind of mold I tend to find. (OK, I'll take some blame for that last one since not all the mold sprouts w/in the 3-6 days I'm usually away.)

I miss our housecleaning service so badly that I'd give my right eye to have them back. Their name is Domestic Bliss. Say it with me, "Domestic Bliss." Ahhhhhh. You feel less stressed already, don't you? And this isn't even about you; it's about me. Don't you forget it. ;) Methinks I need to rework the family budget to fit in visits from them on a semi-irregular basis. Definitely not monthly, probably not bimonthly, but absolutely now and then. Most assuredly. And once Padraic starts kindergarten in September 2010, I completely plan on having them here once a month, if not twice. Hell, if I can shell out the cost of a new car annually on day care, I sure as hell can buy myself some sanity in the form of less dust and dog hair on my belongings.

If you couldn't tell already, though, today was rough. Thank goodness I didn't have to leave the house for work, but then again, being cooped up with this mess was no joy, either. And the rain, ugh, the rain. After finishing with work, I had to do the grocery shopping so we wouldn't starve the rest of this busy week, and not thinking last night I agreed to let Ken take my car like he usually does on Mon/Fri. Except, getting the boys in and out of his F150 takes much longer than getting them in and out of my car, and on a rainy day, that is not a good thing. Add to that the imbecile who parked right up on my effing door at the grocery store, and I could not avoid getting drenched while trying to get Padraic back into the truck after we were done shopping. Seriously, people. When you see a truck that has wide doors parked in a lot, do you need to park 3mm from the sideview mirror, making it impossible to even wedge the door open a little bit? One wonders how in the world the person who did that to me managed to get their own ass out of their vehicle. From the looks of it, they'd have had to climb out the hatchback. Geesh.

But things are improving. The rain will end in a couple days (ha!), I'll feel more caught up at work in another day or two, and on Thursday I have taken a personal day to clean the house. Cuz I know how to party, that's why. And heck if I won't feel a sense of accomplishment for those few hours between when I finish and when Ken and the boys get home to start undoing it.

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