
How Did We Get Here?

Twelve more days of kindergarten. 12. A whole school year has flown by in a blur of homework assignments, reading time, class parties, field trips, and general craziness. Here's what I've learned about (or had reinforced) while Padraic learned how to read and write, add and subtract, tell time on both types of clocks, and count money.

(1) Last-minute notices for things: OK, so I already knew this was a peeve of mine because we've used a day-care center for six years and they are also fans of last-minute notices. As much as I love the teachers and staff at our elementary school, I do not appreciate getting notices for stuff needing to be sent in or special activities requiring parent volunteers without having at least one weekend between the request and the date the doodad or a response is due. We have a busy schedule aside from school, and it's not always possible for me to squeeze an extra errand into an evening without lots of warning, but I'm more likely to be able to find time over the weekend.

(2) Fundraisers: Mixed feelings here. I know our public schools need more funding for all sorts of things to support students, so I don't want to deny them that. But I also don't want to be hitting up friends and family to buy stuff several times per year or buying stuff myself all the time. I do like that our elementary school has family fun nights one Friday a month, where they earn a little dough via admission fees, because at least then families are spending quality time together while the fundraising is happening. Unfortunately, we were always too exhausted after the long work week to attend any of them.

(3) School pictures: Here I'm a fan because the company our elementary school uses charges roughly half what the company our day care uses charges. And somehow they continue to get our shy guy to put on that handsome grin of his so we're not buying pictures that look like his dog just died.

(4) Scholastic book fairs: I still LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these like I did as a child. The choices, the great prices, the smell of books. What's not to love?

(5) Class parties: Holy chaos, Batman! Snacks on the floor, snacks on the kids' faces and clothes, sugar highs everywhere! And me chasing son #2 around the room. They can be lots of fun, but that is one high-energy hour that leaves me needing a nap.

(6) Birthday parties for classmates: We attended a lot of these, and Padraic, feeling out of his element at the various play places where they were held, participated in none of them. Lots of sitting on the sidelines, with me just nodding and waving to the other kids' parents as they sprinted by. Oh, well. I got to eat a lot of cake.

(7) Birthday party, with entire class invited: Two dozen 5- and 6-year-olds at a bowling alley. I think you can fill in the blanks yourself. But priceless memories of shy guy actually being social in a large group at a public place. Miraculous!

(8) Buses: Having a bus stop at the end of your driveway is super convenient, but that doesn't help at all on rainy or freezing days. I still wished I didn't have to go even that far from my warm, dry, and cozy house. And when you're a harried mom who is supposed to write a note every morning to specify which bus your son should take home--the one to day care or the one straight home--you will screw up at least a few times, causing all sorts of stress.

(9) Lunches: Packing lunches stinks. But letting my kid eat too many public school lunches (note to school: I do not consider five fried mozzarella sticks to be an entree) isn't cool with me, either.

(10) Teachers: The most important element of the school experience, and we were so very lucky to get on helluva teacher for Padraics's kindergarten year. Maybe if we're really, really good from now till September 2012 we'll be lucky enough to get her as Henry's kindergarten teacher.

We've had a great year. We've had a stressful year. Padraic has won two good-citizen awards, which was not a surprise to us, I can tell you. Our helpful and polite son has continued to be so while in school and has also begun to blossom socially and certainly excelled academically.

I'm looking forward to whatever craziness summer will bring our way, and before I know it I'll be putting a first-grader onto that bus at the end of our driveway.

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