
First birthday!

My younger son, Henry, turned one year old today. Wow. Since we don't plan to have any more children, I guess this is the last first b'day I'll ever celebrate for one of my own offspring. The actual party is on Sunday, but I spent all day today with Henry, enjoying his cute little self. I even broke out the camera, which I am usually too lazy to do. He wouldn't sit still with the little sign I made, so I would get his attention, hit the button on the camera, and then shove the sign into the frame. Not a perfect way to get good pictures, but DH was out tonight and it's the best I could do. There will be many better pictures taken on Sunday, I am sure. Pip (my dad) is an awesome photographer. Used to do it professionally.

The house is still less than guest-worthy, but we're just having the four grandparents, two aunts, and a smattering of neighbors so it's no one who hasn't seen it this bad and worse. I'm not entirely sure how one is supposed to keep a house clean with two little kids and two dogs, anyway. Especially when DH and I are freaking exhausted every day of our lives. Something about getting up at 5am and getting two little ones ready for day care and then not getting to bed until 11pm after doing just the basics (some laundry, the dishes) makes us a little less motivated to launch into huge cleaning projects.

Well, my little one-year-old is tucked in for the night in his crib (OK, not really tucked in since he doesn't use blankets yet), and his big brother, who is officially three-and-a-half tomorrow, is almost asleep. He takes forever to go to bed, but then he sleeps like a rock so it's a tradeoff, like a lot of things are when you're a parent. Since they are finally settled in and I am exhausted as usual, I'm going to say good night!

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