
Who are we?

I guess before I get too ahead of myself, I should introduce my guys and myself.

I'm Sara, and I acquire books for a technical publisher in Philadelphia. My job requires travel about 6-8 times per year, during which times DH either is a single parent or has grandparents on tap to help him out.

DH is Ken, and he's a highway designer who's working on getting his PE (professional engineer) license. He's into rebuilding cars (though he hasn't had time for this hobby since Padraic was born), canoeing, camping, fishing, riding his motorcycle, and other manly pursuits.

Padraic is our 3.5yo son who exhibits definite traits of a first-born child. For example, his hands CANNOT be sticky, dirty, dusty, etc., without a full-on freakout. If he drops or spills something, same thing. It's gotta be cleaned up NOW! Still, I wouldn't say he's totally off his rocker or in need of therapy just yet. He's otherwise a very awesome kid. He loves me and Daddy and his little brother ("That's MY Henry!" he'll say when he sees H in photos), and he is into playing with dump trucks, sand, and bubble soap.

Henry (aka Noodle) is about to turn 1yo, which is a startling fact. At this point last year I was sitting at home waiting for him to arrive at any second, but he waited until my induction on July 11. His birth was so easy it made me want to have about 100 more babies, except that just with having two kids we're broke! Henry is a happy-go-lucky baby like Padraic always was at this age. He's lactose intolerant, which is a hassle but we're managing, and he seems to want to nurse until the end of time. We're working on that not happening. He doesn't walk yet, but then again, Padraic was a late walker so I'm not surprised.

Our household is rounded out by two beagles: Bailey and Tully. Both named for Irish alcoholic drinks and both a little nutty. Bailey is our "princessa" who demands the best of everything, including a pillow for her head at night...in our bed. Tully is our lover. He overdoes it with the affection, but he's cool. Except for his habit of eating poop. But no one's perfect, right?

Well, that's our little family here in the surburbs of Philadelphia.

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