
Good night, sweetheart

Henry slept through the night last night! And I would've gotten a full night's sleep for the first time since about month 2 of my pregnancy with him, except around 4am the dogs woke up to go out and pee, and when Ken let them out he crashed on the sofa and didn't hear them barking to be let in. So I had to get up and go downstairs, let them in, and wake him up so he could come back to bed and not break his neck sleeping on the sofa. But dogs aside, it gives me great hope that Henry finally made it through the night w/o needing help getting back to sleep. Padraic did a similar thing--started STTN when he was done nursing shortly after I returned from a business trip. I am trying not to go over the moon with joy quite yet since anyone who's been at the mercy of a baby knows that life is all about surprises, but maybe, just maybe I can start getting, oh, 5 solid hours of sleep a night. Just imagine!

I'm starting to think about this weekend...Saturday we're having dinner at the IL's house, and Sunday we head to the Sassafras River to hang out with our neighbors at their shore house. Gotta think of some good appetizer/snacky type ideas for Sunday. Something already prepared that we can just eat w/o me having to do any work would be perfect. I'll have to browse the Web a little over lunch tomorrow and gather some ideas.

Tons of work-related things got accomplished today, and I even got some household stuff done this evening, but nothing too exciting to report. Still yearning for a vacation and really looking forward to Gertstock weekend.

Well, off to get ready for bed!

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