
Just another manic...Tuesday?

Coming back from a work-related trip is always interesting, even if I check my email every single day during the trip to keep the numbers from getting out of hand. No matter how hard I try, I can't avoid having an avalanche of work when I get back since (1) the trip itself generates a lot of new work and (2) it keeps me from really being up-to-date on what's going on in the office. Hey, at least the days go by quickly until I'm relatively back on track.

While I hate the travel part of my job, I do get jazzed by having new leads for books I might get to sign, and this trip certainly generated a bunch of 'em. I should have paperwork flying around my cubicle in no time once I follow up with everyone I talked to at the meeting plus all the people I didn't meet but had suggested to me as future authors.

I gave in on the way home tonight and decided to buy fast food for dinner, which is something I almost never, ever do. But I justified it to myself thusly: (1) Work was crazy and I could use a little break this evening; (2) I got paid today; (3) Last week my parents fed Ken and the boys and I lived off my corporate AMEX so funds are a little higher than usual, and (4) it was, um, fast, and I had other stuff to do after dinner. So we ate our various toxic-but-yummy items from Wendy's, and then Padraic joined me at the store for real groceries. I just hadn't had the energy over the weekend to slog through that errand, but now it's done again until roughly Sunday/Monday. Padraic had a blast riding in the offensively loud and rumbly fire truck cart, and I ran into only a few store displays with that piece of junk. Then he wanted to go to the dollar store next door to the grocery store (he knows there are toys there), but I lured him home with the promise of ice cream. So you can see it was a health-food day all around.

Well, the boys are in bed and Ken's butt has grown to his daddy chair downstairs so I am off to bed. Tomorrow brings all the joys of today, but with the added fun of the freelance project I just took on that's due next Thursday.

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