
How cool! and one day to go

I discovered something very interesting yesterday: The author I was so excited about yesterday was one of the expert witnesses at the O.J. Simpson trial! I hadn't watched all the expert testimony back then (hey, I was in college and had lots of other things to do, though I vividly recall watching the verdict and thinking it was wrong) so I hadn't recognized his name, but someone else clued me in. So he definitely is well known in his field, and now I am even more shocked (in a good way) and excited that we have his book proposal coming our way.

The other great news is that today is my last day in Denver. Here's what my day involves:

  • Printing my boarding pass at the earliest possible moment to get a good boarding order on my Southwest flight--and I'll finally find out, I think, where it stops along the way home. I'm guessing Chicago.
  • Present in a session on how to publish in the book series I handle. I have a feeling that since it's the last scheduled session on the program that we'll have a small crowd, if any crowd at all.
  • Pick up my rental car--I splurged on the Hyundai (ha)--and head to Boulder to meet with a bunch of potential authors.
  • Meet up with my cousin Aileen for dinner and to meet her adorable little girl for the first time.
  • Drop off the rental car and pack all my stuff since my flight leaves bright and early tomorrow morning!
It's going to be a busy day, but I'm hoping that just means the work part will be over before I know it. I also hope the weather holds since I'm not too keen on driving unfamiliar highways in a storm like we had last night. I found myself reading the hotel's info on what to do in case of a tornado, and I even slept in something I wouldn't be entirely embarrassed to be seen in if, as the instructions said could happen in a severe weather situation, all hotel guests would be told to report to the ballroom. Here's wishing never to experience that kind of excitement.

I wanna go home in the worst way, and I'm counting down the hours. Enough is enough already. I feel like I've been here for weeks. It's a great city, but it's not my city.

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