
I fall to pieces

There's a song for everything.... So here I am, a 32-year-old wife and mother of two little boys, guardian to two beagles, full-time working woman, etc. I wish I could say I have it all, but my neck and back are killing me from maneuvering Henry around, the boys wouldn't fall asleep until after 10 tonight, I'm swamped at work and at home, and somehow I have to get our entire family ready for our 3-night trip to my family reunion. We leave Aug 22, and things just keep getting added to the schedule in between now and then. No wonder I have anxiety attacks.

I could use a real vacation, but at $40 a night just to kennel the doggies, and with having to pay half the day-care payment even when the boys don't go at all, a week's vacation costs $500 before we've even gone anywhere. Given those grim circumstances, there won't be a real vacation this year. I'll have to set my sights on next year. Miracles happen sometimes, I suppose.

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