
Ugh, time zones

Am I the only one in Denver who is up at 3am each morning? My body is still on Philly time, and since I'm only in Denver for a few more days, at this point I might as well just go with the flow, rather than try to get my body to recognize Mountain Time. Luckily, there is a pretty nice view out my 26th floor hotel window that I wouldn't be able to appreciate in quite the same way during the daylight hours. Ha. I'm really reaching for reasons why it's not so bad to be an early-morning insomniac during a business trip that has little downtime. I am going to be so damn exhausted when I get home, especially since the only public transit I'm good at sleeping on is a train, not a plane.

The good news: We're at the bright-and-early start of day 3 of 6 so I'm roughly halfway to getting back home to see DH and the boys. Yesterday my parents valiantly toughed out the first day of wrangling both boys and both dogs, but they were a little frazzled around 8pm (EDT) when I called them. Padraic had skipped his only nap of the day, and Henry had skipped his afternoon nap. Too much excitement from having Mim and Pip around is what I'm guessing caused this blip in their day, but it sure leads to an interesting evening when the boys are overtired. Yikes. But Mom and Dad called me back after they and DH successfully bathed and put to bed both of my favorite little men, and things didn't go as badly as they could have. You should try one of those nights when the boys are both strung out from not getting enough naptime but you're home alone with them, trying desperately to get them both to go to sleep, but ending up bouncing back and forth between their rooms like a ping-pong ball for hours: Rock Henry to sleep; get Padraic water or a book or whatever he's demanding in a voice loud enough to wake Henry; go console Henry. Repeat until you're run off your feet and just want to cry.

Please wish the remaining days to go by quickly for me, OK? The grass is always greener, I know, but still I find myself yearning for my own bed in our incredibly messy bedroom back home and endless hugs and demands from two of the cutest little boys in history.

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