
Releasing the pent-up rage

I've been steaming about several things over the past months, years, hell my entire life. I am a bottler, not a releaser. If something bothers me, I tend to just repress it and move on. But I'm stressed, I'm pissed off, and I'm coming clean. So here's my list.

--I have trouble relating to SAHMs. Yup, I admit it. I don't see the enchantment of staying home with the kids all day long. My mom was a SAHM because circumstances dictated it. From talking to her after I became a mom, I have learned that while some moments were pure joy, in general she was exhausted and unhappy staying home w/my sister and me. She taught us to read well before kindergarten because she couldn't stand reading the same dumb books to us over and over. (I can relate. Repetition in any form makes me want to poke my eyes out.) I'm ticked that I tried to start a working moms' meetup group earlier this year, and all I got were moms who defined themselves as working moms solely because they did Pampered Chef parties or the like on some evenings. Yes, that's work, but I was looking for other women who put their kids in day care and understand how obnoxious it is that libraries no longer have Saturday story hours. I can admire what you do (more happily than I would), but I can't claim to understand you.

--I hate to travel. Do I want to see Paris, Rome, Africa? No. If someone told me tomorrow that I would never have to travel again in my life for either work or pleasure, I would hug them and then burn my luggage.

--I am pro-life and am only voting for a Democrat tomorrow in opposition of this belief because I truly fear that moron VP of McCain's as our potential Commander in Chief. Sure, it's your body, ladies. Until you create another little life inside of you who happens to have a body, too. And you are responsible for it. So live up to the responsibility and take care of it, and I don't by that mean "take care of it."

--No, Ken and I do not plan to "try for a girl." Where do I begin with that question, which I still get from time to time? Let's try this: (1) While I know you know this already, you cannot try for a baby of a certain sex, idiot. (2) You are implying that my sons are inherently insufficient. Go fuck yourself.

--I'm a dog person. You can keep your cats, gerbils, reptiles, and fish. And no, that tarantula little Billy brought home from the pet store is not cute. I'd step on it, but I'm afraid. And furthermore, pet stores are evil. EVIL. Avoid them at all costs.

--Who decided that men were not responsible for either housework or buying gifts for their own family members once they were married? I would like to have words with that person because my house is a mess, but I cannot clean it alone, and I am tapped out from trying to think of (and acquire, wrap, and mail in a timely manner) gift ideas for people my husband has known his entire life when I have a hard enough time coming up with ideas for the people I've known my entire life.

--Why must my day-care center, which already gets almost $2000 of our hard-earned dollars per month keep pummeling us with flyers for enrichment classes (extra fee) and catalogs full of t-shirts and drink cozies (not free) with their corporate logo on them? You already get the maximum amount of money I am planning to give you. Give it up.

--Living in an area where you didn't grow up and have no family, when you seem to be surrounded by people who are from exactly here, is like being the only one wearing KMart sneakers in 8th grade when everyone else has K-Swiss.

--Cancer can suck it. Suck. It. I mean, how dare you?


Coasting Anon said...

Hmmm...I plan on being a SAHM, but I also plan on continuing to run my own business...does that count?

I love travel.

I am pro-choice but would hope that someone would do everything in their power to not make that choice

I love my kitty and can't even comprehend having a dog running around our house and not killing itself on our wood floors.

And yet we're still friends...

PS - I think you're the one in KSwiss and the rest of them are in KMart sneaks...they just don't know how cool you are.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you and my SIL both will be SAHMs who work fulltime at their own businesses. Those are both big jobs. What I can't relate to are the SAHMs I know who from my POV aren't working at any job bc they want someone else to provide for them 100%. Irks me.

I've never had KSwiss sneaks and still (sigh) shop at Kmart. The story of my life.

Can you tell I'm in a dark place these days? So tired of everything.

TallGirlsAdventures said...

I love it when you rant. Get it out, girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

I promise I'll do a happy post next. Just had to get that out. Like verbal vomit.